There’s Love Here...A Bedroom Refresh - ORC Week 2
…and we’re back for more of my bedroom refresh. This week, we’re going to talk money for a bit then we’ll touch on the plan, pitfalls and progress of this project. I’ll need your help picking a paint color too so be sure to scroll down and leave a comment with your choice!
Let’s Talk Money Folks
This bedroom refresh will include only a few new items. Some of the items we’re incorporating are already in my home or in my Design Firm’s prop room.
The vintage mirror, chair, chandelier are all pieces I have already. Since I’m using my existing bed and mattress, my costs are reduced significantly. I have spent no money thus far. That will change tomorrow when I buy paint samples. I may also order wallpaper. Between both of those items, I will spend about $170 this week for the One Room Challenge.
I pulled this vintage mirror from our prop room and will be using it either on a wall or in the alcove.
Do you love it or do you love it?
The Plan
I’ve got a concept board with the essentials (sneak peak of the rug below) and I’ve made the most important decision needed to showcase this wonderful room…I chose the paint color.
Now that I have an idea of the color I want, I need to test it out in the room.
It may look lovely online and on a swatch chart but in the room is something different. I need to see it on my walls with my lighting. That’ll be the real test!
I’m going to buy the one that I love along with a few others I like to see which one is a winner. Here’s a sneak pick of the options from my fav paint retailer Benjamin Moore…be sure to tell me which you love best:
The Pitfalls
Window treatments, wall art and other accessories are all aspects I haven’t yet pinned down.
What is even happening??
Even as a design professional where I am tasked with turning around a project for a client in a short order, I take a slightly different approach in my personal spaces. I’m a huge fan of taking your time to curate your living spaces when you’re doing without the support of a professional. It is how I’ve created depth and warmth at home.
I layer our home over time, adding what’s needed after listening to a room. As we add color and feel things out, the rest of what the room needs will become clear. And I have to do that over the next 5 weeks. Joy!
The Progress
Check back next week as I share the swatches on the wall, home depot runs for supplies and more!
Be sure to check out behind the scenes in my IG stories too and of course, you are welcomed to see what I’m loving on my Pinterest page.
The Real
I’m a human who strives for progress not perfection. The bed, on the average day, has “accessories”. The closets…a crap shoot. It’s not always pretty but there’s love here.