Hey Plant Friend! What's Your Hardiness Zone?
The outermost fan on the left is starting to yellow. Might have to call in a pro.
Ever wonder why the garden centers of some big box stores are located directly next to the entrance?
It’s a trap! They lure you in with beautiful plants and some folks can’t resist.
I am some folks. Me…and probably you too.
This time, the object of my affection was a beautiful fan aloe. After feverishly researching care instructions, I stumbled on D. Gragham’s insta, Black With Plants. Talk about informative! Who knew anything about Hardiness Zones?!
Wondering why you’re on your 5th Ikea palm tree? Well lover, it’s just not meant to withstand frigid Northeast temps.
A hardiness zone is a geographically-defined zone in which a specific category of plant life is capable of growing, as defined by temperature hardiness, or ability to withstand the minimum temperatures of the zone.
Source: USDA Agricultural Research Service
Determine your zone by entering your zip code here. I straddle the 7a and 7b line. The hardiness zone often focuses on outdoor plants but indoor plants need love too.
My Fan Aloe is not cold hardy, and since I live in a zone that gets really cold, it's best to plant this succulent in a container that will stay indoors and placed under a grow light in the winter. I’m not a fan of growlights so I am keeping it in by a window with no drafts. It will get 6-8 hours of sunlight a day.
What’s your hardiness zone? What plants work well in your zone?