So You Think You Can Build Out an Old Warehouse?
No, I don’t think I can…
I know I will.
I’m doing it as you read this!
The warehouse was formerly home to an electronics distribution company. There are relics of years passed including what we believe is a printing press.
It’s a mess. It’s vintage. It has good bones.
There’s debris everywhere yet the space has charm.
The wood floors and exposed brick are rich with character. It’s even more of a unkempt now that we took down rows and rows of fluorescent lights but I am encouraged by what I think is underneath layers of dust.
The warehouse has 4 units, 2 of which are occupied by…get this…a furniture maker and a contractor. We are 3 creatives and it’s an old warehouse that has an boat plus a teal Oldsmobile outside. Can you feel the magic that’s about to happen?!
I’ve conceptualized a completed space. I’ve planned for my first and second phases and now…time to crush it. The indoor space is my primary focus. With demolition starting this week, the drop ceiling will come down in order to uncover what I hope will be a vaulted gem with beams that are in good shape.
The outdoor space is massive and will be our tertiary focus. The first measure of success will be being able to get clean, print worthy shots of the indoor space for the hosting platform. To get there, we need to complete the demo, re-wire the electrical, add lighting, get heating vents up and lightly dress the space with furniture + accessories.
Sounds easy enough 😉
I’ve brought a few pieces in to make it feel more like mine…a table from home, fresh flowers and a plant too. Also added a bouquet of flowers in the restroom for my neighbors. That sounds like some Good Housekeeping advice, no?
If you had a warehouse, what would you do with it? I’d really love to know.