Hey Baby! A Minimalist Nursery
The CDC tracks birth data nationwide and July through October are the busiest birth months, which means…right about, we’ve passed peak baby making season. With the new stay at home order in effect in most states, it’s baby making season once again!
Before your new bundle of joy arrives and you start nesting, a nursery may on your mind. Whether you have a separate room for your baby or will be using a corner of your own bedroom, a few elements will make a huge difference.
Hey Baby…
A mini crib is a crib.
Make sure everything you could possibly need is within easy reach of the changing table.
Two words: washable wallpaper.
You can make any light a nightlight.
Pick a theme.
Avoid clutter as best as you can.
As your baby grows, transition new pieces out and in to reflect the new stage that they’re in. Now the fun begins!