What Happened to West Elm?

Our homes are doing heavy lifting during this global pandemic. As we stay inside to slow the spread, many of us are making our spaces more livable and “love-able”.

We are turning to online retailers for our new sofas, headboards and lamps but what happens when an industry fave has a downward trend in customer service?

Enter home furnishings giant West Elm. While many retailers have adjusted their operations to meet online demand, West Elm has been beleaguered by poor reviews of late. Many dissatisfied customers have even taken to the companies IG feed to vent their frustrations.


Go and take a look for yourself. Under nearly every photo, there are disappointed customers whose gripes predate the pandemic. This coupled with the less than ideal Yelp and Consumer Affairs reviews are troubling to say the least.


…and yes, Designers read comments too. If a company is treating a consumer poorly, they’re likely to treat those with a trade account the same.


Full disclosure, I’ve purchased from West Elm many years ago and the experience was not favorable. I thought it was a fluke then but never gave them a second try…and I’m reluctant to now. Any West Elm love stories? Please shoot them my way. There has to be great experiences out there. Right? One can hope.


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