More than just a space

ọlọrọ interiors is a design firm

known for curated spaces layered with art.

We intentionally select pieces and details that speak to the individuality of the homeowner.

By incorporating plants, prints, and textiles, we speak volumes without cluttering the space with excess. 

The best design of your life starts at home.


The best design of your life starts at home. *

Our services range from design consultations to full-service design. Our goal is to help clients identify their design style and implement it effectively so that the result is a home that reflects their unique personality and way of life. We make the experience fun and easy by guiding our clients through each step of the process, with a timeline, design boards created just for them, as well as weekly check-ins to keep them updated on the progress of their project. We are the experts driving the car, but you are the one giving us the directions! Together we arrive at our destination: your gorgeous new home.

From concept to completion, experience the ọlọrọ interiors difference.

Example text: Minimalist design for maximal comfort

Example text: Bringing life and richness to minimal design