How To Go From Pinterest To Punch List In 4 Easy Steps
You’ve struck gold! You’ve stumbled on Pinterest images which capture the look and feel of your #livingroomgoals
Now what?
Create a board solely for that room. Multiple rooms on one board will cause havoc.
…ok not really havoc but it certainly will confuse things and make it harder to spot patterns.Look for common themes in your pins. Is there a silhouette you keep saving? Are gallery walls in every shot? Got your eye on bold wallpaper? Spotting similarities in numerous pins gives you insight on your aesthetic.
You have a board with a bunch of similar items and there’s a common color palette in the vast majority of your pins. Now what?
Go Get It!
Hop on over to your good friend Google and enter search terms which best describe that teal shell shaped chair with brass legs. You just may be able to find the turquoise Eichholtz trapezium scalloped chair your eyes fell in love with. Be as specific as possible when searching.Do this with each item you want to create the room of your dreams. Use a space planning tool to see if the furniture you selected will fit in your room. Size matters and scale does too! Now that you have the furniture, what else do you need? Paint? Lighting? Create a list with all of goodies and shop away!
What’s on your punch list?
I really wanna know…